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Close XReport Summary

The report summary includes the parameters of the report, including:

Search Term:
the keyword for which you have requested a report
the country for which the report data was gathered for
Report Created:
creation date of the report
Date Range:
from which date to which date the data has been analysed
Close XAggregate Demand

Aggregate Demand shows the overall demand potential for your keyword based on overall demand data.

Close XDemand Volume

The Demand Volume gives you an overview of your keyword's demand over different time periods, as well as based on your report's chosen date range:

Yearly Volume:
how many times the keyword has been searched in search engines over the past year in your chosen country
Last 60 Days:
shows the last 60 days search volume, as well as the trend compared to the previous 60 days (Down arrow: decreasing search volume trend, Up arrow: increasing search volume trend)
Daily Estimate:
how many times your keyword has been searched for daily based on the last 30 days average search volume in your chosen country
Close XDemand Distribution

This section shows the search distribution for your keywords across the major search engines during your chosen date range, and for your chosen country.

Close XSeasonal Trend

The seasonal trend indicates the fluctuation of demand for your keyword over the last year. Use this graph to identify best times of the year to sell your goods, and consider buying stock during those times when the demand trend is low. Suppliers will be more likely to liquidate their stock during slow periods.

Close XDate Range

This is the date range used to analyse your keyword's demand data. Date ranges may vary slightly between tabs to ensure you are always provided with the most recent data available.

Close XDemand Variations

This section shows keyword variations for your chosen search term. Analysing search variations is indispensable to ensure you are targeting the right combination of keywords. It also helps in identifying which keywords you should include in your product listings and auction listings to attract the highest number of relevant searchers.

Close XDemand Effectiveness Index (DEI)

While a keyword may attract a lot of demand, you should always outweight the level of competition associated with it. The demand effectiveness index indicates just that, the relationship between demand and competition. The higher the demand effectiveness index, the more a keyword is attractive and potentially profitable.

Close XRelated Keywords

Related keywords are keywords broadly related to your search term. They will help you broaden the markets available for your product, and to identify new markets to exploit.

Close XThesaurus Keywords

Thesaurus keywords are synonyms related to your search term. Use them to identify alternative keywords used by buyers to find your products.

Close XMisspelt Keywords

Use misspellings to attract cheap traffic on search engines and to grab bargains on eBay. When sellers list items on eBay misspelling the title and / or description, their listing will be found by fewer buyers. Use misspellings to grab yourself a bargain on eBay, then resell it at a profit by using the correct spelling.

Close XeBay Demand

This table shows demand data specific to eBay, including how many times your search term has been searched for during your selected date range, and how many wanted requests are currently present on the eBay site of your chosen country.

Close XeBay Demand Variations

Variations in the search terms used by buyers to find products related to your search term on eBay.

Close XAverage Sale Price (ASP)

A graphic representation of the items selling price vs number of items sold at that price.

Close XPerformance

This column shows the performance of all the main eBay listing options:

Listing Type:
shows the success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio of auction listings, auction listings with buy now option, buy now listings, multiple items listings, best offer, and eBay shop listings containing your keyword
Start Day:
shows the best day of the week to START your auction based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
End Day:
shows the best day of the week to END your auction based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
End Hour:
shows the best hour of the day to END your auction based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
shows the best number of days to list your auction based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
Start Price:
shows the best starting price to us in your auction listing based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
shows the best categories to select for your auction listing based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
Title Keywords:
shows the best keywords to include in your auction listing based on past listings' success rate, average selling price and SR to ASP ratio
Close XSuccess Rate (SR)

A graphic representation of the percentage of successfully sold items vs unsold items.

Close XeBay Results Summary

The eBay Summary gives you an overview of your keyword's eBay competition and success rate for your chosen date range:

Total Listings:
how many listings containing your keyword were listed on your chosen eBay site during your selected date range
Listings with Sale:
the number of total listings which ended with a successful sale
Success Rate (SR):
the ratio of Listings with Sale / Total Listings
Average Sale Price (ASP):
the average selling price of the listings which ended in a sale
Total Sales:
the total money value of all the successful listings which contained your keyword over your chosen date range
Unique Sellers:
the total number of unique sellers selling items containing your keyword over your chosen date range
Sellers with Sale:
the total number of sellers who sold an item containing your keyword over your chosen date range
Average Sales per Seller:
the average number of successful sales per seller
Average Revenue per Seller:
the average revenue earned, based on the total number of unique sellers selling items containing your keyword over your chosen date range
Close XAverage Selling Price (ASP)

The average selling price of listings containing your keyword

Close XRatio (SR x ASP)

The relationship between Success Rate and Average Selling Price. This ratio helps you find a balance between a high sales volume and a high revenue. This is the most important ratio, since it ensures you are not underselling your products and that you are obtaining the maximum revenue from your eBay listings. If you are clearing stock, you can use the Success Rate as your only benchmark.

Close XListing Features Performance

This table summarises the performance of eBay's listings features for listings containing your chosen keyword, ordered by success rate.

Close XSample eBay Listings

A selection of recently ended eBay listings containing your chosen keyword.

Close XSelling Potential

Your keyword's selling potential by platform. Identify which platform (eBay, Google, Yahoo) has the highest potential to fair a profit for your product's sales

Close XAggregate Potential

Aggregate Overall Potential for your keyword across all online selling platforms

Close XSubmit Market Research Report

This table shows how many times your search term has been searched for during your selected date range on online shopping portals like Amazon.

Close XOnline Shopping Demand

This table shows how many times your search term has been searched for during your selected date range on online shopping portals like Amazon.

Close XOnline Shopping Demand Variations

Variations in the search terms used by buyers to find products related to your search term on online shopping portals like Amazon..

Close XCompetition

The competition tab is divided into 3 sections. eBay Competition, Google Competition and Yahoo Competition. Before you consider entering a market, remember to evaluate its potential based on both demand and competition. A high demand, highly competitive market can be worse than a low demand, low competition market.

Close XGoogle Results Summary

The Google Summary gives you an overview of your keyword's Google competition, demand and effectiveness for your chosen date range:

Yearly Searches:
how many searches were performed last year for your chosen keyword
Search Results:
the number of current Google search results for your chosen country containing your keyword
Product Results:
the number of Google product results containing your keyword
Demand Effectiveness Index (DEI):
While a keyword may attract a lot of demand, you should always outweight the level of competition associated with it. The demand effectiveness index indicates just that, the relationship between demand and competition. The higher the demand effectiveness index, the more a keyword is attractive and potentially profitable.
Close XDemand vs Competition

Shows the relationship between number of searches and search results on Google

Close XYahoo Results Summary

The Yahoo Summary gives you an overview of your keyword's Yahoo competition, demand and effectiveness for your chosen date range:

Yearly Searches:
how many searches were performed last year for your chosen keyword
Search Results:
the number of current Yahoo search results for your chosen country containing your keyword
Product Results:
the number of Yahoo product results containing your keyword
Demand Effectiveness Index (DEI):
While a keyword may attract a lot of demand, you should always outweight the level of competition associated with it. The demand effectiveness index indicates just that, the relationship between demand and competition. The higher the demand effectiveness index, the more a keyword is attractive and potentially profitable.
Close XSample Yahoo Ads

A selection of ads triggered by your chosen country's Yahoo search engine for your chosen keyword.

Close XAggregate eBay Competition

Aggregate eBay Competition shows the overall eBay competition based on overall eBay competition data.

Close XAggregate eBay Competition

Aggregate eBay Competition shows the overall eBay competition based on overall eBay competition data.

Close XAggregate Google Competition

Aggregate Google Competition shows the overall Google competition based on overall Google competition data.

Close XAggregate Yahoo Competition

Aggregate Yahoo Competition shows the overall Yahoo competition based on overall Yahoo competition data.

Close XSuccess Rate (SR)

The ratio of Listings with Sale / Total Listings

Close XSample Google Ads

A selection of ads triggered by your chosen country's Google search engine for your chosen keyword.

Close XDemand vs Competition

Shows the relationship between number of searches and search results on Yahoo