Market Research

eSources Market Research Wizard v3.0 Intro Tour

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The Overall Potential tab is a summary of your keyword's overall selling potential, as well as your keyword's selling potential on eBay, Google and Yahoo. Use this section to determine which medium is best to trial your product.

* Please note the data below is sample data for illustration purposes only.

  • Selling Potential

HelpReport Summary

Search Term Toys
Country United Kingdom   [ create the same report for a different country ]
Report Created April 8, 2009 10:57:22 AM
HelpDate Range February 20, 2009 to March 20, 2009    [ change date range ]

HelpAggregate Potential

Moderate Aggregate PotentialInternet Demand

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

HelpSelling Potential

eBay 72%

High eBay Potential

Google 58%

Moderate Google Potential

Yahoo 53%

Moderate Yahoo Potential

eSources Market Research Wizard v3.0 Intro Tour

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Close XReport Summary

The report summary includes the parameters of the report, including:

Search Term:
the keyword for which you have requested a report
the country for which the report data was gathered for
Report Created:
creation date of the report
Date Range:
from which date to which date the data has been analysed
Close XAggregate Potential

Aggregate Overall Potential for your keyword across all online selling platforms

Close XSelling Potential

Your keyword's selling potential by platform. Identify which platform (eBay, Google, Yahoo) has the highest potential to fair a profit for your product's sales

Close XDate Range

This is the date range used to analyse your keyword's demand data. Date ranges may vary slightly between tabs to ensure you are always provided with the most recent data available.